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File: 120596_aadac_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 6

Supply and Architectural Contracting Company (ASACC) and Saudi Catering and
Contracting (SCC) operate CODFs on KFIA. The facility operated by ASACC
prepares and serves 750 breakfast, 500 lunch, and 2,000 dinner meals. All
food items are obtained from local markets or imported from Europe, the United
States, or Australia. Eighty TCNs from India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh work
for ASACC.     [(b)(2)]

					Pre-employment and follow-up medical
examinations are conducted. Food supplies are watched by a "trusted employee"
24-hours per day to deter pilferage. Health inspections of the ASACC CODF
have been satisfactory.

(U) The CODF operated by SCC serves about 550 breakfast, 1400 lunch, 1400
dinner, and 820 midnight meals to USAF and US Army personnel. All food items
are obtained from local markets or SCC's warehouse in Al-Khobar. Eighty-nine
TCN employees from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and the Philippines are
supervised by a Canadian assistant manager.     [(b)(2)]

are given pre-employment and follow-up medical examinations.   Health
inspections have generally resulted in a "Fair" rating.

|	- MREs/B-RATIONS: (U) MREs and B-Rations are stored in a
compound within "Tiger Beach."    The compound is locked between 2200 - 0800;
however, there are no personnel on site during those hours. Stores of
B-Rations will feed USAF members for about 17 days. MREs on hand will last
about 10 days.

		LOCAL FOOD CONCESSIONAIRES: (U) Three food concessionaires are
open in different locations on KFIA; however, USAF Environmental Health
considers them an unnecessary health risk since no food inspections are
completed.     [(b)(2)]                                                                        The
concessionaires are located as follows:
		(U) "Snack Food Service," located near MABCO Camp entrance.
		(U) "Hamburgers, Fries, and Soda Service," located (West)
		across from "Tiger Beach".
		-- (U) "Fast Food," located opposite of SABCO Fire and Safety

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