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File: 120596_aadac_04.txt
Page: 04
Total Pages: 6

	--MEDICAL: (U) KFIA has two USAF deployed Air-Transportable
Hospitals (ATM) and one squadron medical element (Last Chance) clinic. The
Last Chance clinic is manned by flight surgeons and medical technicians from
 various flying squadrons to provide medical support for individuals on flying
status. Both of the ATHs provide a wide variety of medical services to
military personnel to ensure their day-to-day health needs are met. The ATHs
assist the U.S Army (8th and 201st Air Evacuation Hospitals) in the event the
U.S. Army is unable to handle an influx of casualties. The 354th ATH from
Myrtle Beach, SC., is a second facility designed to stabilize
casualties for evacuation. The 354th ATH is not equipped with an Intensive
Care Unit (ICU). The 354th has four General practice surgeons, one orthopedic
surgeon, two internists, one physicians assistant, one dentist, one clinical
psychologist, and one general medical officer. There are approximately twenty
four nurses; three nurse-anesthetists, four operating room nurses, sixteen
general purpose (ward) nurses and one anesthesiologist assigned. They have
fifty beds for patients, and one operating room with two operating tables.
There are two dental chairs that can be used for minor surgery The
laboratory has limited capabilities. During wartime, the 354th will serve as
a blood bank. Laboratory services such as Hemotology (red blood counts),
blood chemistry (glucose/electrolyte) and urinalysis are a secondary concern.
A level between 30 - 120 units of blood are on hand. Radiology can X-Ray the
skull, spine,  chest, all body extremities, and abdominal areas.   Kidney
studies can also be done, but this is the only "specialty" X-Ray that can be
performed. Radiology keeps in excess of a 30-day supply of materials. They
can develop x-rays manually, and have a 4 to 5 hour back-up power system. A
30-day supply of medications is on hand. Additional supplies can be obtained
from the US Army Medical Supply unit in Port Dammam. Four ambulances are

(U) The 31st ATH, from Homestead AFB, FL, is also a second echelon facility.
They do not have an ICU, but have two general practice physicians, three
General surgeons, one orthopedic surgeon, two internists and one psychiatrist
on staff. There are sixteen clinical nurses; two operating room nurses and
one-nurse anesthetist.  Their laboratory, pharmacy and radiology departments
function essentially the same as those of the 354th ATH. They have 3 fully
equipped modular ambulances. Their supply system is also similar to that of
the 354th ATH. 

The 1611th AECE will move coalition force and EPW casualties from the front
lines to an area where they can receive medical care. Incoming (patients are
received by the Medical Clearing company, which provides initial treatment,
evaluates patients, and determines the extent of injuries or if the patients
were in contact with chemical or biological contaminates. Patients may then
be transported by helicopter to the 8th Evacuation Hospital (8th Evac) where
they receive further treatment. Depending upon the extent of the patient's
injuries, they may be transferred to the Aeromedical Staging Facility (ASF) or
the Mobile Aeromedical Staging Facility (MASF). The MASF, a 50 bed facility,
will move casualties by C-130 to 3rd echelon medical facilities located within
the theater of operations (Tactical Aeromedical Evacuation). Additionally
the MASF holds patients who are to be returned to duty within 7 days for 6-8
hours before they are moved to another MTF.  The ASF, a 100 bed facility: will
move casualties by C-l41 to 3rd echelon facilities in Europe (Strategic
Aeromedical Evacuation). The 1611th AECE has 138 personnel assigned: Four
flight surgeons, ten Tactical (TAC) AIRCREWS , ten Strategic Aircrews (two
flight nurses and three medical technicians per aircrew).  The rest of the
1611th is comprised of command, administrative and support personnel.

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