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File: 970207_aadbb_003.txt
Page: 003
Total Pages: 5

 Priority Two - should be immunized as soon as additional
 vaccine becomes available. Includes all other CENTAF personnel 
 in-the AOR-(28,500 personnel).
 When possible, immunize personnel prior to deployment.

 Transportation of vaccines to AOR should receive highest
 priority via military aircraft in a split shipment with accompa-
 nying Army couriers ensuring custody and proper handling.

 APOD should be Riyadh or Dhahran because intratheater
 airlift is readily available and a majority of priority personnel
 are at or near those locations. Similar handling priorities and
 measures should apply.

 -- (U) Total shipment (includes vaccine, syringes, etc.,
 for 134K personnel) weighs 7800 lbs and takes up 840 cubic
 feet, comprising seven 463L pallets
 Administration of initial dose of vaccine in AOR should be
 done within 24-48 hours by local US medical personnel, based on
 info package accompanying or preceding vaccine shipment. A1-
 though DNIF is not required, consideration should be given to
 staggering vaccination of aircrew members over 48 hours to allow
 12-24 hours DNIF as safety measure.

 From decision to vaccinate, best case gets vaccine to each
 base in 3 days, completes first dose vaccination in 5 days,
 completes second dose in 19 days, and provides full vaccine
 protection in 33 days.

 Priority for antibiotics issue should be the same as the
 immunization priority, and should begin ASAP. Once sufficient
 stocks are available in the AOR, time to issue to all CENTAF
 forces will be minimal. Personnel should begin taking antibiot-
 ics ASAP after confirmed exposure but before onset of symptoms.
 Earlier administration is at the commanders's discretion.

 Public affairs and educational programs need to focus on
 the purpose of vaccination/antibiotics programs and how they fit
 into total BW defense program. Disclosure of BW defense program
 is necessary to minimize misinformation and develop maximum
 confidence in this effort.


 This paper recommends priorities and methods for administra-
 tion of anthrax vaccine and antibiotics based on the inputs of an
 Air Staff working group composed of XO, SG, IN, LE and DP repre-
 sentatives. It provides an Air Staff position for further JCS

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