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File: 970207_aadcd_004.txt
Page: 004
Total Pages: 17

 Our environment was in an area that was highly hostile in that it
 supported only light vegetation, and consisted of huge areas of
 sand which would not support a heavy population density without
 considerable outside resources. No unusual diseases were
 reported during our stay.

                a.  Community environment and sanitation

                    ( 1 ) Health Services were abundant in the area. In
                    addition to ourselves, the Marines hosted a Navy clinic
                    on base, there were two five hundred bed Navy hospitals
                    within 15 miles of our location.

                    (2) Water was furnished by the Marines using a 20,000
                    gallon water bladder for bathinq and cleaning purposes,
                    and a 900 gallon potable water supply.

                    (3) Sewage disposa1 was provided in our latrines by a
                    sewage truck and by a leach field for our cleaning
                    water  supply .

                    (4) On base restaurants consisted of our mess tent
                    and the main base dining hall. Several weeks after we
                    hamburgers, pizza and chicken. Off base restaurants,
                    which were used sparingly by us, consisted of some
                    typical fast  food restaurants such as Hardees and
                    Kentucky Fried Chicken, but also a vast array of local
                    ethnic restaurants as well as including Oriental,
                    Lebanese and Arabic cuisine.

                    (5) Insects and animals affecting health. Although
                    there  was a wide variety of insects and animals in this
                    area, many of which  could have had very detrimental
                    effects on a person's health, because we operated
                    during the winter months our contact with local insects
                    and animals was almost nonexistent and those contacts
                    made were quite harmless .

                   (6) Poisonous fish and plants. No contacts were made
                   with poisonous fish or plants.

                   ( 7 ) Food and dairy products. Food and dairy products
                   were consumed from fully processed sources and fresh
                   vegetables were appropriately washed and prepared when
                   our personnel dined on base which was the vast majority
                   of the time.

                   (8) Veterinary service impact statement. There were no
                   veterinary services available during our operation .


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