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File: 970207_aadcd_005.txt
Page: 005
Total Pages: 17

                    (9) Preventive medicine impact statement.  Preventive
                    medicine services were confined to insuring that all
                    sanitation services were available and appropriately
                    serviced by U.S. Marine support services. Preventative
                    Medicine was involved in insuring an adequate number of
                    latrines were available and cleaned in sufficient time,
                    potable water was available in sufficient quantities,
                    shower and latrines were available and a leach field
                    constructed to properly dispose of waste water from 
                    these facilities.

                b.  Prevalent diseases. There were no serious diseases_
               observed although many people incurred "head colds", upper
               respiratory illnesses and occasional mild diarrhea. A few
               cases of more virulent diarrhea were noted and were treated
               for 24 to 48 hours with IV. therapy and anti-diarrhea 
               medications .

               c. Preventive medicine measures necessary on and off base.
               Personnel were briefed on proper fie1d condition sanitation
               procedures to use when uti1izing the 1atrines, showers and
                lavatories. Personnel were also briefed on the consumption
               of food both on and off base. It was also highly stressed
               to drink only potable water or processed bottled water and
               to keep oneself well hydrated at all times.

               d . Specific "do's and don'ts ", such as rela ionships with
                indigenious personnel, traditions, customs and "taboos."
               Personnel were briefed at length prior to deployment on
              customs and courtesies of the Middle East as well as given a
               great deal of 1iterature to read on the subject . A copy of
               some of the literature is enclosed as attachment 1 to this
               report .
                e.  Medical Facilities:

                    ( 1 ) Military medical support available. The ASF was
                    available for sick ca11 and minor ailments were taken
                    care of by our personnel . Other faci1ities available
                    to treat our people well as other personnel f rom the
                    area were: Fleet Hospitals 5 and 15, A1-Jubai1, Saudi
                    Arabia, Naval Clinic,- Al-Jubai1 I.A.P., S. A. and -1st
                    Air Transportable Hospital (USAF), Dhahran, S.A.

                    (2) Civilian medical support available. None in
                    country in the local area.

                    (3) Aeromedical evacuation need and availability.
                    Both tactica1 and strategic aeromedica1 evacuation  was
                    available via our own HUB operation unit. Two (2) of
                    our own Personne1 needed  aeromedical evacuation from
                    Fleet Hospitals  to CONUS .


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