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File: 970207_aadcd_007.txt
Page: 007
Total Pages: 17

             Educational sessions and topics conducted by ASF Flight
             Surgeons included:
                    (1)   The Air Evac System/Role of ASF i n Desert Storm.
                    (2)   Combat Psychiatry/Stress Management, Battle Fatigue
                    (3)   Mechanical Respiratory ventilation
                    (4)   Use of Farenteral Medications for Pain Management
                    (5)   Chest Tubes and Closed Drainage Systems
                    (6)   Principles of Flight
                    (7)   Oxygenation at Attitude
                    (8)   Evaluation of knee Injuries
                    (9)   Evaluation of Antkle Injuries
                    (10) Wartime Vaccinations - Desert Storm
                    (11) Oxygen as a drug
              e.  Aircrew Personnel Requirements: There    were  eleven
             aircrews stationed with the AECE collocated with the ASF.
             Because of the unexpectedly low number of missions, aircrew
             staffing was not a problem. Flight Surgeons from CONUS
             stationed in Germany were rotated to the AECE to provide FS
             coverage for most missions. The 1611th TAC AES was located
             at the Saudi Naval Airbases near Jubail. As such, return
             flights from the European bases directly to Jubail were
             infrequent with most flights returning to Dhahran, or Riyad.
             Those aircrews returning to Dhahran were required to notify
            the Jubail AECE of their arrival in Dhahran so that a
             vehicle could be dispatched to retrieve them and their
             equipment. Communications with Jubail were so poor that it
             was almost impossible to speak directly with the Jubail AECE
              from Dhahran. Contact was usually accompanied from the       
             Dhahran MAC ALCE to the Jubai1 MAC ALCE asking that a
             message be carried one-half mile to the AECE at Jubail .
             This encumbered system caused undue delay and frustration
             with the air crew being delayed l2 hours at Dhahran in one
             Retrieval of aircrews seemed to be a low priority in the
             system and in this war, it did not affect mission
             accomplishment. However, should increased utilization of
             the Aero Evac System be required in the future, retrieval of
             aircrews to their base unit will have to be accomplished in
             a more expeditious and coordinated manner.
            f . Flying Activities: There were two Flight Surgeons
            assigned to the 5th TAC ASF for the duration of the
            assignment. Two other Flight Surgeons were assigned on a
            temporary basis during the most active portion of Desert
            Storm. One of the part time Flight Surgeons was reassigned
            to the  Naval Casualty Clearing Company collocated with the
            1611th TAC  AES shortly after his arrival and therefore, did
            not fly a Strat Aerovac mission. The other transient Flight
            Surgeon and both the permanent Flight Surgeons flew at least
            one mission with one of the permanent Flight Surgeons flying
            two missions.

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