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File: 970207_aadcd_006.txt
Page: 006
Total Pages: 17

        8. Flight Medicine Program. The 5th TAC ASF's responsibility
        as part of the 1611th TAC AES was for  care of patients from 3rd
        echelon medical care centers in theater, while they were being
        staged for air evacuation out of theater to Europe. In this
        regard, air crew safety and effectiveness did not fall under the
        purview of the ASF, but rather was the responsibility of a
        collocated Aeromedical Evaluation Control Element (AECE).

        F1ight Surgeons assigned to the ASF are charged with the
        responsibility of patient evaluation and final approval for
        appropriateness of patient care by serving as Flight Surgeon
        accompanying  an AECE medical crew when appropriate.
        Determination as to the necessity of an ASF Flight Surgeon 
        accompanying a flight crew on an aerovac mission was made
        relative to:

              Availability of AECE assigned Flight Surgeon.   (ASF
             Flight Surgeon considered only if no AECE Flight
             Surgeon available.)

             Nature and severity of a patiens's medical problems.
             (ASF Flight Surgeon to accompany missions  with
             patient of critical or urgent nature only. )

             Coverage of ASF by remaining Flight Surgeons. (There
             was always at least one Flight Surgeon remaining with
             and providing coverage for the ASF. )

              Willingness of ASF Flight Surgeon to volunteer. (All
             missions accompanied by ASF Flight Surgeon were done
             as additional duty as volunteer by the ASF Flight

        As it was, all strategic missions f rom theater were accompanied
        by a Flight Surgeon with the ASF providing Flight Surgeons in
        four of fifteen missions. The flight crew assessment and medical
        care was the responsibility of the Flight Surgeon(s) assigned to
        the AECE and not the ASF.

              a.  Flying Safety: Not applicable to ASF.
              b.  Personal and Protective Equipment: Not applicable   to
              ASF .
              c.  Aircrew Combat Effectiveness: Not applicable to ASF.

              d . Medical Training: ASF F1ight Surgeons participated in
             a regularly scheduled medical education program for ASF,
             AECE and MASF medical personnel. As indicated above,
             C.E.U.'s were awarded through Patrick AFB Hospital, Health
             Education Program .


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