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File: 970207_aadcd_009.txt
Page: 009
Total Pages: 17

              b. Table of Allowance
                  (l) Observation: A Table of Allowance was not
                  available to the ASF. Thus it was not known what
                  supply/material items were available until items were

                  (2) Discussion: When there was a need for an item and
                  none was readily available it was not known if the item
                  might be found in the unpacked supplies/materials.
                  Some equipment was found to be lacking all necessary
                  operating parts (computer did not have power cords and
                  other items) and some systems did not have enough
                  components or a back up system such as hand held

                  (3) Recommendation: A Table of Allowance for the ASF
                  should be available so that precious time is not wasted
                  in looking for nonexistent items and that appropriate
                  actions can be taken to obtain necessary items.

              c. Unit Manning Document

                  (l) Observation: An Unit Manninq Document (UMD) not
                  available to the ASF. Thus it was not known what
                  personnel should be available and where shortfalls
                  might exist so that replacements could be requested.

                  (2) Discussion: Early on a request was made to CENTAF
                  for a copy of the UMD. According to CENTAF it was sent
                  by regular mail. as of this date it has not been

                  (3) Recommendation: An UMD or the ASF should be
                  available so that that personnel shortfalls can be
                  readily identified and replacements requested

              d. Lact of Appropriate Issue Items for Personnel

                  (l) Observation: Personnel were deployed to the
                  theater without being issued all appropriate uniform
                  items. Issue items varied considerably between units.
                  (2) Discussion: Personnel arrived in country with
                  only one pair of boos, without weapons or ammunition
                  or low levels of ammunition, without Flack Vests,
                  goggles, gloves and necessary personal equipment such
                  as flashhlights and-sufficient batteries. One person
                  with very poor vision from the 21st was deployed
                  without gas mask inserts. He made this known in the
                  mobility processing line. Even after a congressional
                  inquiry, he was unable to obtain them from the home


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