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File: 970207_aadcd_010.txt
Page: 010
Total Pages: 17

                  (3) Recommendation: It is critical that all personnel
                  arrive in country with adequate gear. Allowances of
                  personal military gear should be uniform throughout
                  all units. All personnel expected to be sent in
                  theater should be privy to a list of essential personal
                  gear to bring along with them. When it is found that
                  individuals arrived in country without all mandatory
                  military gear the individual's home unit should make
                  every effort to have necessary gear shipped to the
                  individual .

                e. Lack of Appropriate Unit Support

                  (1) Observation: The ASF was made up of members from
                  five different units. Some members received
                  outstanding support from their home units while others
                  received very inadequate support from their unit or
                  their respective Consolidation Base Personnel Office

                  (2) Discussion: Some members received outstanding
                  support  from their unit and their CBPO's while for
                  other units, such as the 2lst APSS, personnel, pay and
                  moral support was very inadequate or nonexistent. It
                  was noted that members who received excellent support
                  from their units and CBPO's were units which retained
                  their Air Reserve Technicians (ART's) at the home unit
                  and had CBPO's located at their home stations. Members
                  receiving poor support had units without ART's and
                  those with CBPO's located at another location othor
                  than their home base.

                 (3) Recommendation: ART's should be retained at the
                 home unit and units should be supported by CBPO's at
                 their home base location.

             f. Erroneous Zip Code

                 (1) Observation: Personnel and family members of the
                 2lst APSS were given an erroneous, nonexistent APO Zip
                 Code on their original orders. This resulted in mail
                 and packages being returned to senders for several
                 weeks and creating very low morale among the 21st APSS
                 members. As late as 7 February, the CBPO at Robins
                 AFB, GA was still using the wrong zip code.  
                 (2) Discussion: Timely receipt of mail is the single
                 most important item effecting morale. Providing unit
                 members with an erroneous, nonexistent zip code is
                 inexcusable. It resulted in substantial degradation  of
                 morale among a significant percentage of ASF personnel
                 and could have had a negative impact on their ability
                 to meet mission   requirements .

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