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File: 970207_aadch_005.txt
Page: 005
Total Pages: 46

       offered to reduce their incidence. Hepatitis B vaccine should be
       started for all medics at the time of deployment when mass
       casualties are anticipated. Reserve and Guard units need to
       implement hospital employee health programs consistent with their
       gaining medical facility (Hepatitis B, Rubella, Rubeola, and
       perhaps TB and Chickenpox). ARC Aeromedical Staging Facility,
       air evacuation and CONUS MTF backfill personnel, in many cases,
       were not protected.
            9. Patient Decontamination Issues: Even though the
       procedures were untested, the group expressed confidence in
       contamination control team capabilities. Recommend wording
       changes in the regulation to clarify that the EHO oversees
       operations, but the team chief may direct operations in the
       contamination control facility on a continuous basis. One
       individual had tested the Multiman Intermittent Cooling System
       (MICS) with an environmental control unit (ECU). He reported~air
       flow was inadequate. Additional evaluation and perhaps
       modification is required. Scissors had a short life span when
       used around chlorine. Spraying scissors with WD-40 and placing
       them in plastic bags increased the life span. Recommend
       USAFSAM/EDZ develop a course for contamination control ' teem
           10. Medical Intelligence Issues: Information was available
      and predeployment briefings were appropriate. Support from
      commanders for prevention of heat injury was excellent. The
      deployment site, when known by the ATH commander, was sometimes
      not shared with the MIO. More specific briefings could have been
      provided if this information was made available. The site would
      not have to be mentioned to all deploying forces to have an
      effective brief. TAC Regulation 400-10 authorizes the MIO access
      to this information.
            11. Occupational Health Issues: The following guidance is
      from TAC 400-10, pare 2-7 g (6). This guidance was followed and
      is appropriate. "Occupational health examinations and
      occupational health education are normally not required during
      deployments. However, occupational illnesses should be monitored
      and corrective measures recommended. In some cases education
      will be necessary. It may be necessary to fit and train
      personnel on the use of respirators and hearing protective
            12. Equipment, Supplies, Transportation, References
                  a. TA 896, Sections V, Y (ATH): Delete all patient
      decontamination items (established a separate TA for decor),
      insect repellent, inking pads, ink and gloves. Separate BEE and
      EH items into 2 sections. Add non-disposable ear plugs in
      assorted sizes, 6 holding thermometers and 2 thermometer holders.  
      Increase the number of dial thermometers from 7 to 24.
                 b. TA 889, (SME): Only 2 items on the TA were for EH;  a


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