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File: 970207_aadch_006.txt
Page: 006
Total Pages: 46

       thermometer and chlorine test paper. The number of thermometers
       should be increased from l to 12 and the following items added:
       2 mosquito light traps, 2 pocket knives, l pair of pliers, 1
       crate opener, 1 battery charger, 3 dry cell batteries, 1 box of
       ear plugs, 1 6" ruler, 1 folding magnifier, 1 can opener, 2
       clipboards, l dozen felt tip markers, l dozen ball point pens, 2
       dozen steno notebooks, 2 lecture writing pads, 1 dozen writing
       pads, and 2 holding thermometers.

           c. Patient Contamination Control Table of Allowance:
       Water pressure was a problem. The light weight decontamination
       apparatus is not required. It is heavy and bulky to airlift. It
       was recommended that 2 water bladders (1 for backup), a small
       pump and hoses be used. Add the rescue safety knife. Increase
       the number of aprons from 12 to 30, Chemical Agent Monitors
       (CAMs) from 2 to 4, waste receptacles from 8 to 12, water basins
       and basin stands from 8 to 12, folding chairs from 6 to 12, and
       mesh litters from 2 to 12 (rewrite procedure to use only mesh
       litters and eliminate all litter changes except when the patient
       arrives on a non-mesh litter). Decrease the number of large
       chemical protective suits and increase by a like nu~ber the small
       and medium suits. If possible replace the ANPDR 27 with an alpha
       monitor. Delete the sodium bicarbonate.
              d. TAC Merit Plan Training Equipment: Asterisk the toxic
      chemicals and indicate they may be simulated. Add a bladder,
       hoses and pump so personnel can train with them. Increase
       scissors from 2 to 12, and mesh litters from 2 to 4. Add the
       rescue safety knife.
            e. Transportation Needs: MSgt MacDonald will pursue
       identifying 1 vehicle to meet the needs of BEE and EH through the
        same route that other ATH vehicles are authorized.
            f. References and Forms: Seven forms were identified that
       should be deleted from the list of forms the ATH maintains. TAC
       Regulation 400-10, Medical Mobility, contains excellent guidance.
       The group felt they should have been more familiar with this
       directive. The group decided that Military Standards used in the
       inspection of food establishments should be maintained at HQ
       TAC/SGPM and information requested as needed.
          13. Future Training Needs: The Air Force now has
       considerable experience base for On the Job Training. We must
       use OREs effectively. Ensure 908X0s inspect food and food
       serving facilities during these exercises. Major Stedman and
       TSgt Cooper will draft foodborne illness exercises for use during
       OREs and ORIs. HQ TAC/SGPM will request that USAFSAM/EDZ develop
       a course for patient contamination control team members. Team
       members must be permanently assigned and well trained during
       exercises. Reservists need better training in peacetime tasks.


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