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File: 970207_aadch_017.txt
Page: 017
Total Pages: 46


            1. Increase the number of food thermometers on the ATH and
       ATC tables of allowance. Inspectors can then share them
        liberally with food service supervisors and workers as part of
        the effort to gain compliance with sound food temperature

             2. Environmental Health should more aggressively pursue
        foodhandler education efforts in their food safety programs. A
        pamphlet of symbols and pictures that could be used to help
        convey messages where language barriers inhibit verbal
        communication should be developed for this purpose.

             3. Operational units should inform their Command HQ of
        source inspection conflicts with the U.S. Army. The Command
        functional manager should communicate these concerns to the U. S.
        Army Veterinary program manager.

             4. ATH clinical laboratories should be provided with the
        equipment, supplies and references required to isolate common
        foodborne pathogens from stool specimens, such as Salmonella,
        Shigella, Campylobacter, E.coli, Staphylococcus, Giardia and
        Entamoeba. This information is extremely helpful during
        epidemiologic investigations which seek to determine disease
        outbreak etiology and prevent recurrences.

             5. When evaluating on-base feeding facilities, Environmental
        Health should continue to use the peacetime rating system and
        should continue to inform medical and Wing Commanders when
        unsatisfactory ratings are given.

             6. Environmental Health should conduct formal investigation
        of all suspected foodborne illness outbreaks and should write and
        forward detailed reports to Command. These should be promptly
        distributed to all deployed units.

             7. Exercises of ATHs and Second Echelon MTFs should include
        programmed training of Environmental Health in food inspection
        and food service sanitation tasks. This tasking serves a dual
        purpose. It provides realistic training and demonstrates to ATH
        Commanders the role of Environmental Health during deployments.
        Foodborne illness outbreak exercise scenarios should be written
        for use by exercise evaluation teams. These scenarios should
       include a requirement to prepare and forward detailed
        investigation reports to Command HQ.

             8. The requirement for a vehicle for shared use by EH and
        BEE should be added to the current medical barebase vehicle UTC.
        A dedicated vehicle should be justified, requested and

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