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File: 970207_aadch_024.txt
Page: 024
Total Pages: 46

                 e. Make clear in the instructions that follow-up visits
      are or are not to be counted as cases.

                f. Consider a separate category for snake, animal and
      /or insect bites.

                g. Some SMEs reportedly experienced high rates of acute
      dental cases, primarly in Air Reserve Component personnel.
      Consider adding this category of cases to the reporting system if
      this category is considered useful by medical planners.

                g. Define the responsibilities of administration and
      environmental health sections to ensure cooperation and accuracy
      in data collection efforts.

           2. Pursue the establishment of a joint service system for
      adoption by the unified commands.

      VIII. COMMENTS: In spite of the disadvantage of starting
      without an established reporting system and the other problems
      mentioned above, the data collection efrort was overwhelmingly
      successful. The data was extremely important to medical and line
      commanders during Operations DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM and will
      be very usefu1 to future planning. This success can only be
      attributed to the responsive and innovative leadership of
      USCENTAF/SG and to the flexibility and aggressive response of
      USAF Environmental Health personnel.
                                                                                     2 Atch
                                                                                     1. DNBI Data Graphs
                                                                                     2. DNBI Data Tables

          HQ TAC/SGPM/Col Butts/mac/574-4601/1 Jul 91


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