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File: 970207_aadci_013.txt
Page: 013
Total Pages: 139



ITEM NO. 9 Dental problems

(SGHR ITEMS NO. 22, 224)

BACKGROUND: A significant incidence of dental emergencies In the AOR was
reported, occurring among every service. ARC personnel with dental problems
placed undue workload on field dental service.

DISCUSSION: There was a lack of uniformity among MAJCOMS in the level of
dental screening of mobility Personnel. ARC personnel have no screening
mechanism and are responsible to maintain their own dental health.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Implement USAF wide dental screening of mobility Personnel,
add as a requirement to AFR 28-4. Emphasize to ARC members their
responsibility to maintain worldwide health status.

ACTIONS REQUIRED: Ensure dental screening for mobility personnel Is addressed
In future guidance on mobility.

ACTIONS COMPLETED: Under the new AFPD/AFI structure, guidance responsibility
Is delegated to the MAJCOMs/Wings. MAJCOM readiness offices have been
appraised of this plan and will incorporate dental screening In their
respective mobility planning. NOTE: This does not solve the dilemma of
dental problems In the ARC.



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