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File: 970207_aadci_032.txt
Page: 032
Total Pages: 139


LOGISTICS ISSUE NO. 2 Issue of BW/CW assets to Personnel
(SGHR ITEMS NO. 198, 222)

      BACKGROUND: Personnel from MAC, SAC, and ATC arrived in AOR without required
      personal BW/CW antidotes. The shelf life of Pyrodistigmine bromide tabs after
      removal from refrigeration became an issue.

      DISCUSSION: Pyrodistigmine bromide tabs are good for six months after removal
      from refrigeration. There was no guidance in regulations on how they are to be
      marked or tracked after removal from storage.

      RECOMMENDATION: The cost of procuring sufficient quantities to support a long
      term conflict must be reviewed.

      ACTIONS REQUIRED: Develop system for determining expiration dates and
    tracking. Review requirements for procuring adequate quantities to support
    long term conflict.

      ACTIONS COMPLETED: Requirements for supporting long term conflicts have been
      studied and are under development. System for marking/tracking stocks for
      expiration purposes being looked into by AFMLO and SGHR.

      STATUS: Open. -

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