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File: 970207_aadci_038.txt
Page: 038
Total Pages: 139

I                         ODS MEDICAL LESSONS LEARNED
                             LOGISTICS CATEGORY

       (SGHR ITEM NO. 228)

       DISCUSSION: Experienced problems with BOS. Electrical power problems were
       most common. Interfacing ATH power system with bare base power system and ATH
       generator breakdowns/repairs were experienced by almost every ATH. Other
       problems were water and sewer systems, medical waste disposal, and ice
       machine shortages. Harvest Falcon latrines were not adequate for patient
       access. Some ATHs had problem getting enough latrines and showers. Specialty
       meals were a problem at some sites when patients required liquid or other
       special diets.

       RECOMMENDATION: BOS requirements need to be re-evaluated by ATH pilot unit and
       changes coordinated with TAC/DE for inclusion in planning documents. '

       ACTIONS REQUIRED: ACC/SGX and pilot unit, 363 Medical Group at Shaw AFB review
       BOS support requirements and coordinate any needed changes with appropriate
       agencies at ACC.

       ACTIONS COMPLETED: Support requirements have been reviewed and changes are
       under coordination.

       STATUS: Open.

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