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File: 970207_aadci_039.txt
Page: 039
Total Pages: 139

                             ODS MEDICAL LESSONS LEARNED
                                LOGISTICS CATEGORY

    LOGISTICS ISSUE NO. 9 Transfer of Medical Supplies between units; after
    action redeployment.

       (SGHR ITEMS NO. 2, 71)

       BACKGROUND: Supplies were destroyed as they would not be accepted by other
       facilities in quantities less than unit of issue. Guidance was lacking or
       unclear about disposition of unneeded medical assets from theater.

     DISCUSSION: Supplies were needlessly destroyed, or lost through spoilage.

      RECOMMENDATIONS: Mobility teams consisting of medical logisticians should be
      developed for the redeployment of valuable medical assets. An official channel
      is needed to identify who can receive drugs.

       ACTIONS REQUIRED: Revision to AFM 67-1, Volume 5, will provide appropriate
       guidance on redeployment of medical assets.

       ACTIONS COMPLETED: Revision of AFM 67-1 has been accomplished.

        STATUS: Recommend closure.

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