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File: 970207_aadci_045.txt
Page: 045
Total Pages: 139

                             ODS MEDICAL LESSONS LEARNED
                                LOGISTICS CATEGORY
       LOGISTICS ISSUE NO. 15 Issue and Resupply of Individual First Aid Kits
       (SGHR ITEMS NO. 215, 216)

       DISCUSSION: Few base supply operations in the Air Force had the individualized
       first aid kits in the mobility bag for this deployment. Individuals and
       commanders were requesting medical supply to provide the kits. Commanders were
       not aware that ATH was not responsible to provide first aid kits.
       Additionally, during ODS life support shops brought the first aid kits to the
       ATHs for inspection and restocking.

       RECOMMENDATIONS: All base supply activities budget for and procure kits that
       go into mobility bags. TA 896, section K for medical supply should be updated
       to include all items required to inspect and repack first aid kits after

       ACTIONS REQUIRED: Update ATH TA to include resupply items necessary for
       individual first aid kits. Procurement at home base of individual first aid
       kits is not a medical issue. Each unit is responsible for ordering and
       purchasing required first aid kits for their personnel.

       ACTIONS COMPLETED: ATH TA has been reviewed and updated to address the
       resupply problem.

       STATUS: Recommend closure.

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