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File: 970207_aadci_068.txt
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C3I ISSUE NO. 1 Chain of Command, ARC v. Active Integration

(SGHR ITEMS NOs. 43, 78, 79, 87, 88, 119, 141, 143)

       DISCUSSION: Deployed units did not lose peacetime identity: chain of command;
       challenge to authority; who is in charge? When multiple units deploy to same
       location, who is in charge? Individuals serving as unit commander did not
       always become commander of the wartime unit. Senior member (regardless of ARC
       or AD) will serve as commander. AE personnel deployed from different units to
       same site which caused confusion among senior staff regarding chain of command
       and their roles. Some MTF commanders attempted to take command of AE elements.
       Instances of ARC providers outranking AD counterparts, but AD personnel held
       all the command positions. Older, experienced ARC physicians and nurses enter
       Air Force with higher ranks. Contingency hospitals not affected because of
       executive management teams. Deployed personnel retained their home unit
       affiliation and did not become part of the gaining command.

       RECOMMENDATIONS: Structure training to integrate active and ARC establish
      system to identify commanders so G-series orders can be accomplished. Educate
      personnel on being an integrated unit. Integrated command structure must be
      utilized. Brief deploying personnel they are deploying to a location where
      command and control has already been established and they will have only one
      commander after deployment. Educated MTF commanders that AE units have their
        own chain of command. The best qualified officers should be in charge whether
      AD or ARC. ~

       ACTIONS REQUIRED: Education of all involved units/personnel for future
      operations needed. Provide information to ARC providers on their roles and
        responsibilities in a call-up situation.

       ACTIONS COMPLETED: Issue has been addressed in conferences and training
       programs to educate ARC and AD personnel. MRAG information publication to all
       ARC providers provides information addressing the issue.


       MRAG RECOMMENDATION: SG charter a working group made up of AD and ARC
       representatives to address this issue, looking into historical, legal, UCMJ,
       and administrative ramifications.

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