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File: 970207_aadci_069.txt
Page: 069
Total Pages: 139



           C3I ISSUE NO. 2 Patient Regulating, Manifesting, and Tracking

           (SGHR ITEMS NOs. 55, 56, 66, 129, 133, 211)

           DISCUSSION: Different organizations had various trouble getting the
           information on patients that they desired: CONUS MTFs getting manifests of
           incoming missions; EUCOM desires for patient information (e.g., special
           equipment, special transportation requirements, etc.); commanders, family
         members, and the media desires for information on patients. In Europe, a
         computer patient locator system was developed to track patients. Data was
           EUCOM. The system was connected through the Defense Data Network (DDN) and
          allowed all required information to be passed quickly. Some aspects of the
         system were redundant to casualty affairs mission. USN, USMC, and USA did not
         allow information to be released. JMRO and desert MIFs did not provide

           RECOMMENDATIONS: Refer to APES/DMRIS working group to address. Need a new
          system that can provide greater level of detailed patient information.
          Establish a Joint Service Patient Tracking System. OPR should be personnel
          (DP) rather than medical to follow all patients. The tracking center should be
          in CONUS.

          ACTIONS REQUIRED: Refer issue to APES/DMRIS working group and monitor

         ACTIONS COMPLETED: APES/DMRIS working group addressing issue. CIM Project and
         AMC are actively pursuing a Theater Medical Information System and a Patient
          Tracking System. Integration of the projects is underway with expectations of
          providing a system for communicating status of patients and meet requirements
           for patient tracking for Joint use.

           STATUS: OPEN.

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