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File: 970207_aadci_070.txt
Page: 070
Total Pages: 139

                              ODS MEDICAL LESSONS LEARNED

                              C3I and TRAINING CATEGORIES

                              C3I ISSUE NO. 3 Automated Support at Deployed AE Locations and at Contingency
                              Hospitals in Europe

                              (SGHR ITEMS NOs. 85, 132)

        DISCUSSION: Automated support for AE was not available to most deployed AE
        management elements. There are automated patient management systems designed
        to manage and manifest patients (APES). APES was not available at any of the three
        UK locations. As a result, three separate systems were developed and used
        along with the JMRO DMRIS system. The Passenger Reservation Automated Manifest
        System (PRAMS) was utilized and evaluated at RAF Mildenhall. Also developed a
        crew management system in lieu of the tried and tested Crew Management
        Scheduling System (CASS) program that was also unavailable to AE managers.
        CONHOSPs need integrated computer automation.

         RECOMMENDATIONS: Provide all AE units with copies of existing software (i.e.,
         CASS, and PRAMS), train assigned personnel on how to use the software, and
         expect the software to be deployed and used when units are activated. Develop
         new systems for automation at contingency hospitals, ASFs, ATHS, etc., and
         provide detailed instructions on how to operate and interface these systems in

         STATUS: OPEN.

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