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File: 970207_aadci_075.txt
Page: 075
Total Pages: 139

                               C3I and TRAINING CATEGORIES
          C3I ISSUE NO. 8 Air Transportable Hospital Command and Control
          (SGHR ITEM NO. 201)
          DISCUSSION: ATH commander and administrator positions were filled by a variety
          of personnel. These assignments had varying degrees of success with resulting
          affects on morale and mission accomplishment. Several ATHs found that
          formation of an Executive Committee was very helpful. SG position should be a
          physician (0-6) when possible. There is no standardized fix that will ensure
          the best person is selected.
          RECOMMENDATIONS: Review process for appointing ATH SG and SGA. ACC Reg 400-10
          needs to be updated to stress SG and SGA involvement in all phases of ATH
          operations and training. Deployed ATHs should be encouraged to establish an
          Executive Committee when appropriate.
          ACTIONS REQUIRED: Review process for appointing ATH SGs and SGAs. Revise ACC
          Reg 400-10 to emphasize SG and SGA involvement in all phases of ATH training
          and operations. Revise ACC Reg 400-10 to encourage deployed ATHs to establish
          an Executive Committee if required.
          ACTIONS COMPLETED: HQ ACC has reviewed the process for appointing ATH SGs and
          SGAs. ACC Reg 400-10 has been revised to reflect ACC guidance on ATH
          STATUS: Closed.

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