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File: 970207_aadci_074.txt
Page: 074
Total Pages: 139



         C3I ISSUE NO. 7 MEDRED-C Message Guidance Needs Revision
         (SGHR ITEMS NOs. 18, 30, 54)

         BACKGROUND: Personnel experienced difficulties in interpreting AFR 55-55
         MEDRED-C instructions.

         DISCUSSION: MEDRED-C reporting required daily during ODS. Reports were not
         uniform. Bases without 7-day a week communications center support were excused
         from reporting on a case-by-case basis. MTFs not involved or only minimally
         involved in ODS support were resistant to reporting and the need for their
         reports was questionable. Efforts expended may not have been justified. Some
         units did not complete Alert Section initially when they received taskings, to
         deploy UTCs. Guidance is poor. Theaters need to know when UTCs are deploying
         and redeploying.

         RECOMMENDATIONS: Develop DOD format or medical reporting. Revise AFR 55-55 as
         appropriate. Require reports only from MTFs directly affected by contingency
         and only when changes to report content occur. Identify to SGHR needed changes
         to report content and format.

         ACTIONS REQUIRED: Develop a DOD format for medical reporting. Revise MEDRED-C
         report guidance. Evaluate reporting frequency for non-affected MTFs. Revise
         MEDRED-C guidance to provide gaining theater command medical staff information
         on medical deployments. -

         ACTIONS COMPLETED: Joint Staff/J-4 has been addressing required reporting for
         and determining new content requirements for Joint reports. SGHR has revised
         MEDRED-C instructions and new AFI has been published that addresses problem
         areas encountered during ODS. During ODS, MEDRED-C reporting requirements for
         CONUS MTFs were outlined by SGHR leaving it to the MAJCOMs discretion as to the
         frequency, criterion, etc., for units under them. For MTFs with minimal
         involvement, some MAJCOMs reduced reporting to once per week or when there was
         a change; other MAJCOMs did not.

         STATUS: Closed.

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