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File: 970207_aadci_087.txt
Page: 087
Total Pages: 139

                                C31 and TRAINING CATEGORIES

         C3I ISSUE NO. 20 Communication of Data Among Decision Makers
         (SGHR ITEM NO. 142)

         DISCUSSION: On occasion there was duplication of effort at different agencies.
         Coordination was bulky at times. Generally, coordination among agencies was
         adequate. However, there were occasions when an agency did not coordinate
         leading to confusion.

         RECOMMENDATIONS: Establish medical liaison cell at EUCOM staffed by personnel
         from EUCOM, USAFE, USAREUR, NAVEUR, CENTCOM, and AMC. Cell to address common
         issues and facilitate mission accomplishment.

ACTIONS REQUIRED: None. This is a procedural item.

         ACTIONS COMPLETED: Communication and coordination between commands is an
         obvious necessity. EUCOM and component commands have mobility plans to
         establish joint headquarters functions if deemed necessary. Joint Planners
         Course provides better education for staffs to better understand how commands
         need to cooperate and coordinate.

         STATUS: Closed.

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