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File: 970207_aadci_123.txt
Page: 123
Total Pages: 139

             PERSONNEL ISSUE NO. 13 SME Augmentation of 907X0 and 908X0
             (SGHR ITEM NO. 192)

         BACKGROUND: IDMTs were utilized as augmentation by most deployed squadron
         medical elements (SMEs). On bases without an ATH there was also a need for BEE
         technicians and B technicians.

         DISCUSSION: Technicians assigned to SMEs are trained to work in field
         conditions but may require the assistance of an IDMT, EH technician, and BEE
         technician. Use of an IDMT was very useful at most locations. Patient
         workload management was improved when the IDMT could share patient
         responsibilities. Supporting base food, water, and environment inspections
         placed a great demand on unaided SMEs.

         RECOMMENDATIONS: For bare base operations with no ATH present, adding a SHE
         augmentation team that includes an IDMT, EH tech, and BEE tech makes good
         sense. For ATCs/SMEs collocated with ATHs, the medical commander should manage
         the IDMT resources whatever way best serves the base population.
       ACTIONS REQUIRED: Add IDMT, EH technician, and BEE technician augmentation to
         SMEs for bare base situations.

         ACTIONS COMPLETED: HQ ACC/SG has developed an SHE augmentation UTC that has
         been approved and is now included in the MANFOR. Theater planners have been
        apprised of this development and planning is underway-for inclusion in future
         OPlans as warranted.

         STATUS: Closed.

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