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File: 970207_aadci_131.txt
Page: 131
Total Pages: 139

                                ODS MEDICAL LESSONS LEARNED
                                BLOOD PROGRAM
                                BLOOD ISSUE NO. 5 Media Support for Recruiting Donors Excellent
                                (SGHR ITEM NO. 13)

       DISCUSSION: Recruitment of blood donors is a significant challenge to
          successful blood operations. Media support is vital to this effort. Public
          Affairs support to the AF ODS Blood Program was outstanding. Pre-formatted
          news releases, background information, and question/answer materials provided
          via AF/SGHR were heavily used at the base level with great success. This
         assistance was greatly appreciated.
          RECOMMENDATIONS: Similar materials should be maintained and regularly updated
          for use on short notice. Continue such initiatives.
          ACTIONS REQUIRED: Continue excellent support of the blood program.


        STATUS: Closed.

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