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File: 970207_aadci_132.txt
Page: 132
Total Pages: 139

                 BLOOD CATEGORY
                 BLOOD ISSUE NO. 6 Accurate Assessment of Blood Donor Populations
                 (SGHR ITEi NO. 14)
            BACKGROUND: Military BDCs are assigned quotas for collection based on
            calculated base donor pools. Care should be taken to ensure donor population
            is accurately quantified.
            DISCUSSION: A high percentage of AETC donors are students. In ODS, we found
            we had not previously considered that pipeline students would arrive from basic
            training having already been drawn at Lackland. The impact would have been
            much greater in a general war scenario.
            RECOMMENDATIONS: Determine appropriate "discount factors" in calculating
            available student donors. Determine minimum safe time interval in which
            students could be re-drawn.
            ACTIONS REQUIRED: Review formulas for calculating available donor populations
            at technical training centers. Review minimum safe interval that donors can be
            ACTIONS COMPLETED: Formulas have been reviewed and validated. Minimal
            donating interval has been changed from 8 weeks to 6 weeks for contingencies
            with FDA approval.
            STATUS: Closed.

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