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File: 970207_aadcl_007.txt
Page: 007
Total Pages: 9

               DISCUSSION: Using the current personnel data system to flow
         assignment information caused delays in the notification to gaining
         CBPOs of PIM personnel. Under normal assignment processing, updates
         are run two or three times a week and take 10 days to flow to the
         gaining CBPO files. Because most individuals were processed within
         5 days at Lackland AFB, these members usually arrived at their end
         assignments before the gaining base were notified through the
         system. Since some gaining bases were caught off guard, base
         support such as billeting became a problem. Though our normal
         personnel data system is fine for normal peacetime operations, the
         short notice processing required in the Push-Pull system does not
         allow a quick turnaround in-system.
              RECOMMENDATION: The mentality the system will catch up with
         the individual needs to be changed. Actions dealing with the
         processing of individuals being mobilized should be given top
         priority and a special update done daily, if required.
         14. OBSERVATION: The selection process for pregnant females and
         single parents needs to reviewed.
               DISCUSSION: During assignment processing of PIM personnel two
         issues seemed to frequently arise. First, a significant number of
         pregnant females, at least two months pregnant were recalled. It
         seemed to be counterproductive to recall these females since many
         had been granted early outs or separated from the Air Force due to
         pregnancy. Their condition would severely limit their ability to
         perform their Air Force duties. Secondly, we also processed many
         single parents. Since most of these individuals long forgot about
         the military, few had dependent care arrangements. Some had no
         relatives in the local area where they were from or had no one they
         could trust to take care of their dependents. Some married members
         also had their spouses recalled to active duty and /or deployed to
         Saudi Arabia. Some members arrived at Lackland AFB with their
         dependents. These problems were compounded by the fact most of them
         only received 2-3 days notice to report. Most single parents
         advised us they hadn't expected nor been advised by ARPC of
         dependent care responsibilities.
              RECOMMENDATION: Suggest ARPC do annual screening and remind
         members of their responsibilities. PIM personnel should be required
         to complete the same type of dependent care form active duty
         personnel must. A policy should be instituted to exempt pregnant
         females of more than two months or new mothers with infants less
         than 6 months old and should be included in the recall notification
         15. OBSERVATION: Guard and reserve personnel were called to active
         duty under 673b authority for 179 days. Because the medical
         officers were called to active duty for a period of less than one
         year, they (physicians, dentists and nurse anesthetists) were not
         eligible for medical special pays their active duty counterparts
         received under Title 37, United States Code, Section 302 and DOD
         Directive 1340.13.
             DISCUSSION: Guard/Reserve personnel were called to active duty
        as early as Aug 90 for a period not to exceed 179 days. Because of
        the length of their call up, they were not eligible for any of the

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