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File: 970207_aadcl_001.txt
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                                            DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE
                                     RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE TX 78150-6001
           DPMMUF                                                                                      10 MAY 1991

          Desert Storm After Action Report
          HQ USAF/SGHR
          1. The following is provided as you requested. The observations
          below are the areas identified by DPMM personnel during Operation
          Desert Shield/Storm as needing possible attention. Since Lackland
          AFB was selected as the location to inprocess PIM personnel,
          processing was much smoother than if other Tech Training Centers
          (TTC) had been involved. Collocation of AFMPC, HQ ATC and Lackland
          AFB made it possible to conduct mass assignment briefings and helped
          expedite processing. Individuals received their assignments based
          upon prioritized requirements and by AFSC, grade and DOR.
          Approximately 871 IRRs and 116 retirees were processed. If other
          TTCs were involved and the recalled numbers were of similar size,
          the system used during Desert Storm wouldn't have worked as
          effectively. A team from AFMPC would have been needed at each TTC
          involved. Coordination between AFMPC and Lackland AFB directly on a
          day to day basis is what made the PIM processing successful. Also,
          because of Lackland AFB's proximity to AFMPC, personnel issues could
          be addressed and worked faster. Coordination is the key,
          information needs to be relayed to all agencies involved as fast as
          possible to expedite processing and reduce hardships on Air Force
          2. OBSERVATION: Use of Pre-Trained Individual Manpower (PIM)
          Personnel with Secondary AFSCs.
          DISCUSSION: Several PIM personnel were recalled in their
          secondary AFSC or a entry level, not fully qualified, AFSC (9411).
          Although having separated or retired within 5 years, they had not
          performed duty in the AFSC for which they were being recalled in as
          much as 7 years and some had never performed in the AFSC (never
          completed formal training). Also many of the medical officers had
          received further specialty training since separating and were not
          usable in the specialty in which they were called up. Recalling
          personnel in their secondary AFSC is not any more advantageous than
          recalling personnel who have been separated or retired more than 5
          years. It is possible that those who separated/retired from the
          specialty needed, although for more than 5 years, may be more
          experienced and proficient than those who just separated/retired.
          RECOMMENDATION: The data on the reserve file needs to reviewed
          for erroneous and entry level AFSCs. Those AFSCs should be
          eliminated from the system. RIPs should be generated on PIM
          personnel and sent to their home address for review and correction.
          Along with the AFSC should be the description (name) for that

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