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File: 970207_aadco_013.txt
Page: 013
Total Pages: 14

 CATEGORY: Logistics


 SUBJECT: Redeployment

 BACKGROUND: Returning aircraft, equipment and personnel
 supporting Desert Storm were located not only in SW Asia, but
 also in Europe, the Atlantic and Pacific theaters, so a
 variety of foreign animal/plant disease/pests were of concern
 to U.S. Dept of Agriculture. Many of our aircraft returned
 sooner than expected due to the highly successful combat
 operations. MAC bases routinely receive O/S originating
 aircraft; SAC normally receives relatively few, but during
 Desert Storm, some SAC bases received over 30/40 aircraft and
 hundreds of personnel per week.

 DISCUSSION: A successful aircraft inspection/quarantine
 program is essential. Vital national interests can be at
 risk from the introduction of foreign animal and plant
 diseases and pests into the US. An unsuccessful program can
 result in billions of dollars in damage to US agriculture,
 and can endanger humans. Expensive eradication and control
 measures, loss of crops and livestock, increased trade
 deficit, decreased food quality, increased use of pesticides,
 and increased food prices can result.

 ACTION RECOMMENDED: With the possibility of more composite
 wings and multi command operations, applicable Commands must
 ensure they are prepared for large aircraft, equipment, and
 personnel returning from overseas locations. Continue to
 emphasize aircraft inspection/quarantine procedures as a
 coordinated USAF, AF Reserve and Dept of Agriculture program.


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