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File: 970207_aadco_014.txt
Page: 014
Total Pages: 14

CATEGORY: Manpower and Personnel


SUBJECT: Cross Leveling

 BACKGROUND: Some decisions were made early on that helped
 ensure SAC medical facilities would be able to continue to
 provide or arrange for the continuance of care in all primary
 care specialties. With the exception of Carswell (the lead
 unit for the Zweibrucken Contingency Hospital) we kept the
 executive staff in tact at all our facilities. This ensured
 a well experienced senior staff stayed behind to provide the
 leadership to reorganize and rebuild services after
 deployment and backfill by both other active duty medics and
 ARC medics. We also did not allow any facility to totally
 deploy an entire service or department. If filling an entire
 UTC would close down a service we would "frag" those AFSC to
 other SAC facilities to fill.

 DISCUSSION: This is one of our success stories. All SAC
 facilities maintained capabilities in ER, OR, and OB.
 Patients continued to be seen and treated in-house, saving
 contract and CHAMPUS funds, and eliminating the potential
 patient dissatisfaction.

 ACTION RECOMMENDED: Ensure the lesson learned is saved for
 future deployments.



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