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File: 970207_aadcr_009.txt
Page: 009
Total Pages: 15

                 (3) Recommendation:

                      a Consideration be given to obtain Temper Tents and
       other designated equipment to be used for training purposes for
       ASF's on annual tours.
                      b All major exercises especially tri-service include
       operation of a TASF.

           c. UTC and UTC Manning:

                (1) Observation: UTC's and the manpower needed for each
       UTC needs to be reevaluated.
                (2) Discussion: Our recent experience in Operation Desert
       Storm focuses our attention on our UTC and the manpower breakdown
       for those UTC's. It is understood that the present UTC's were
       created without the benefit of a continigency such as Desert Storm
       for data collection. With this experience behind us though, it is
       quite obvious that there needs to be an entire reevaluation of our
       UTC's and the manpower breakdowns. AFSC's with only one tasking
       means that an individual never has time off and is always on call.
       A minimum of three taskings for each AFSC is essential to provide
       for two twelve hour shifts and time off.

               (3) Recommendation: A reevaluation of UTC's and UTC
       breakdowns for APSS.

       d. Site Selection for TASF:
                (1) Observationt Careful consideration of support
       requirements is essential in a site selection for TASF's.
                (2) Discussion: During Operation Desert Storm various
       sites were utilized for the site of the ASF, primarily temper tents
       on the flight line but also fixed facilities near the flight line.
       Both selections worked, and I believe the flexibility to work in
       either setting is mandatory. However, each setting has its own
       peculiar problems and these need to be thoroughly evaluated before
      deciding on a site. Base support is critical for either setting.
       Transportation support with ambuses is more critical for the TASF
       not situated on the flightline and will be the limiting factor for
       volume capability in this setting. I recommend four ambuses as
        a minimum, if the intent is to load up to 100 patients within a 2-3
       hour time frame.

              (3) Recommendation: When possible, the unit operating the
       TASF should make the site selection visit. If this is not
       possible, then an individual with experience is setting up and
       operating a TASF should be utilized.

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