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File: 970207_aadcr_010.txt
Page: 010
Total Pages: 15

           e. Table of Allowances for TASF:

                    (1) Observation: There is no table of allowances for a 

                     (2) Discussion: One needed

                     (3) Recommendation: Individuals with field experience
       with a TASF should be brought together and then input utilized to
       develop a table of allowances for both supply and pharmacy. This
       should be refined through the operations of a TASF during major

           f. Information management:

                 (1) Observation: Laptop computers provided for the ASF
       did not contain standard applications software.

                 (2) Discusslon: Functional Requirements include:

                        a. General Administration

                             1 Word processing

                             2 Data base
                             3 Spreadsheet

                             4 File/system maintenance utilities

                             5 File generation for electronic transmittal/       

                             6 Signs/posters

                         b. ASF Administration

                             1 Patient operations documents

                             2 Historical records

                             3 Inventory Control

                   (3) Recommendation: An integrated applications system
       with issued PC's, including menus, needs to be standardized with
       the following applications:

                         a. OEM Applications

                            1 Word Processing (e.g., wordstar)

                            2 Database (e.g. DBASE IV)

                            3 Spreadsheet (e.g., Lotus 123)

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