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File: 970207_aadcr_011.txt
Page: 011
Total Pages: 15

                                   4 File/System Maint (e.g. PCTOOLS, UTILITIES)

                                   5 Electronic File Generation (e.g. Sarah Lite)

                                   6 Signs/Posters (e.g., Sign Maker)
                   (4) ASF Specific Applications

                         a Aeromedical Patient Manifests (DD601)

                         b Baggage Manifests (MAC89)

                         c Patient Locator/History

                         d Material Inventory Control

                         e Pharmacy Inventory Control

                   (5) Admin Applications
                        a Unit Roster/Control Roster
                        b Billeting Rosters/Locators
                        c Duty Rosters/Schedules

     g. Finance for Activated Reservists:

           (l) Observation: Many members did not get paid while
       deployed for a variety of reasons.  

          (2) Discussion: The system didn't work adequately and
       needs to be reevaluated. Many people didn't get paid until the
       unit at home investigated. Leave and earning statements were
       frequently not available. There were problems converting from the
       reserve to active duty pay systems. Some members were dropped
       completely, others did not have entitlements converted over.

          (3) Recommendation: Finance needs to re-evaluate their
       functioning during a contingency such as Desert Storm.

       h. TASF versus AELT:

       (l) Observations: During redeployment, a TASF remained
       operational for much longer than was considered necessary when an
       AELT unit in an existing MTF would have sufficed.

       (2) Discussion: The ASF remained operational with as few
       as two flights a week ancl 35 patients to a flight. It was felt
       that an AELT would have suEficed and t;hat the ASF could have been
       redeployed sooner.

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