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File: 970207_aadct_014.txt
Page: 014
Total Pages: 14

                                        MEDICAL LESSONS LEARNED
                                             DESERT SHIELD/STORM


     ISSUE ITEM #:


    BACKGROUND: Active/Reserve mix predicated on European scenario.
    Medical Squadrons trained for 2E mission. Dependent care at CONUS
    facilities was to be deleted.

    DISCUSSION: Since the 2E mission was not appropriate for this
    operation and the dependent care was not curtailed, the medical
    squadrons were utilized as CONUS backfill and other missions.
    This resulted in units being given a mission for which they were
    not trained and did not possess appropriate AFSCs. In many cases,
    the units were fragmented to satisfy backfill requirements.

    ACTION RECOMMENDED: Active duty medical treatment facilities
    maintain 100%  capability during a contingency and plan for it.
    Units need to be structured and trained for a variety of missions
    (2E, ATH, backfill, ASF). Flexibility needs to be built into both
    training and tasking.

    SUGGESTED OPR(s), OCR(s): This is probably the most critical
    lesson to come out of Desert Storm. It will require input from
    SGH, REM, AFRES, and all the mayor commands. OPRs should be SGHR
    and REM.


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