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File: 970207_aadcu_015.txt
Page: 015
Total Pages: 36

                                     MEDICAL LESSONS LEARNED
                                          DESERT SHIELD/STORM

        CATEGORY: Command and Control

        ISSUE/ITEM NO:

        SUBJECT: Reporting MEDRED-C

       BACKGROUND:  Revision of the MEDRED-C reporting format has been discussed for
       quite some time. Incorporation to a Joint Message Text format is a long term
       goal. In the interim, medical treatment facility personnel experienced great
       difficulties in interpreting current AFR 55-55 instructions and requirements.

        DISCUSSION: MEDRED-C reporting was required daily during Desert Storm.
       Achieving uniformity in reporting was a significant challenge. Bases without
        seven day work week communications center support were excused from daily
        reporting on a case-by-case basis. Medical treatment facilities not involved or
       only minimally involved in Desert Storm support were resistant to the
        requirement, and the need for their reports was questionable, particularly given
       "minimize". Efforts required to produce these reports may not have been
       justified for the data actually generated.


                  (1) Develop DoD format for medical contingency reporting.

                  (2) Revise AFR 55-55 as appropriate.

                  (3) Require reports only from medical treatment facilities directly
       affected by the contingency and only when changes in content occur.


       SUBMITTER: Terry W. Clarke/Capt/HQ ATC/SGAX

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