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File: 970207_aadcv_011.txt
Page: 011
Total Pages: 22

        ISSUE: Units assigned command and control responsibilities after
        activation should train with units that will be under their
        command and control after deployment.
        OBSERVATION: Multiple units with large numbers of personnel are
        deployed at one location for command and control purposes without
        having worked together.
       DISCUSSION: It was difficult trying to build a single cohesive
       organization from approximately 15 separate units. Many units
       deploy with senior personnel, to include commanders and chief
       nurses. It was hard to blend these commanders and chief nurses
       into a new composite organization as just another crew member.
       It is difficult to build an effective unit in a short time when
       key management personnel do not know one another or the strengths
       and weaknesses of most medical crew members. It is difficult to
       select the right person for the right job in these circumstances.
       Also, there is a natural resistance to work for a new commander
       or chief nurse when the member's home unit commander and/or chief
       nurse were deployed with them. The primary issue is "I know who
       I will work for when I go home, so I better stay in line here."
       It is next to impossible to take command of a unit having five or
       six deployed commanders and/or chief nurses with their personnel
       at the location. These barriers are hard to break down, and a
       single organization is hard to achieve. Mission requirements,
       however, require a new organization instantly.
       IMPACT: Enhance command and control structure. Would cause
       elimination of the time involved in getting used to working with
       "new" people.
       RECOMMENDATION: Units having a command and control mission
       should routinely train with personnel from units they will gain
       after deployment to the extent possible. This could be
       accomplished by matching for training purposes units having an
       aircrew mission with units having a command and control mission.
       An entire unit should be recalled to the same location, if
       possible. Commanders and chief nurses should be recalled to the
       same location as their unit members only if they will be the
       commander or chief nurse at that location.

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