ANTHOLOGY AND ANNOTATED BIBUOGRAPHY                                                                    151

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                  kk MARCENT



    I Marine Expeditionary
      Force in Kuwait,    XX
    24-27 February 1991                                                                   xx
                         USMC    SAUDI ARABIA
                                                                                      SAUDI ARA~IA

late afternoon or evening, the Tiger Brigade could move up and complete the
breach during hours of darkness.
    My overall aim was to push as much combat power as possible through those
two breach lanes, as quickly as possible. Going into the assault, the 2d Marine
Division had a strength of about 20,500, with 257 tanks, including t85 M-ls.
It was probably the heaviest Marine division--with the most combat
power--ever to take the field.
    The assault was scheduled for 22 February.                                General Schwarzkopf asked if
we d be ready to go. I said, "Yes. I'd like to have more time, but I'll be ready
to go into the assault then, if that's the date."
    He said, "What I'm more concerned about is the weather."
    We delayed the assault for two days, waiting for better weather.                                  The
weather just got worse. So we put our heads down and kicked off the assault

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