132                                   U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990-1991

on 24 February, even though the weather was still rotten. The night before, we
had made 18 cuts in the berm line with artillery, so we were ready for a fast
start. But the morning fog was so dense that we couldn't see 100 yards ahead.
With visibility that bad, we couldn't count on much in the way of close air
support--but we punched on through.   Contrary to some reports, the Iraqis were
still there, waiting for us.   They fired about 300 rounds of artillery as we
worked to breach the minefields, but they had no forward observers to coax
the fire on target, so we could discount the prospect of heavy casualties from
their shots in the dark.   Aside from mines, Iraqi artillery had been my major
concern, so I felt early on that we were off to a good start.
    We punched on through the barrier, and by the evening of the first day all
of the 6th Marines, the Tiger Brigade, and four battalions of artillery had moved
through the breach. The following morning, I brought the 8th Marines through,

         IRAQ                MBF      .:..-;::::-;-:;.p.-.........:-.;i;--         .-------
                             OBJ B



    I Marine Expeditionary
       Force in Kuwait,
    24-27 February 1991

    Kilometers          36         SAUDI ARABIA

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