108                                  U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990-1991

Marines of the 1st Marine Division at mid-day on 27 February 1991, afier securing the
intersection of the Sixth and Se~enth Ring Roads in Kuwait City. They remained at Mission
Oriented Protective Posture Level 2 (MOPP 2) in their woodland pattern anti-chemical suits until
1615 thai afiernoon. The cardboard tube on d~e right rear part of their vehicle shields an anti-
fratricide infrared light beacon. In the distance across the Sixth Ring Road, local inhabitants have
unfurled a Kuwaitifiag and are beginning to emerge from their homes. ShoflI' afier this picture
was taken, children of a Kuwaiflfamil' cwne up and sprinkled homemade paper flowers on the
Marines. It was one of the first of many spontaneous demonstrations of gratitude.

    The defeat of Iraqi forces within the Marines' area of operation was utterly
total.  Despite the warm welcome of its citizens, there was no pressing reason
to keep two    Marine divisions in Kuwait.   The retrograde operation was
conducted in conjunction with defense of Kuwait; as   1st Marine Division
departed the Persian Gulf area, 2d Marine Division took over the defense of the
force's area of operations.  The 2d Marine Division remained in a blocking
position south of Al Jahra.   General Keys' command group maintained the
division command post in the "Junk Yard" area until 30 March when they
departed for Saudi Arabia with the 6th Marines.   The Tiger Brigade was
detached on 23 March.      This left the 8th Marines remaining in Kuwait to
continue the defensive mission.
    During the retrograde from Kuwait, all elements of I MEF maintained unit
integrity. All unit movements were tactical, conducted by echelon, and strictly
controlled.  Combat readiness and mission preparedness remained high during

    In accordance with Army rcgulations, Tiger-Brigade members wcre now entitled to wear the
patch of the 2d Marine Division on their right shoulder, signifying that they had served in combat
as part of that unit.

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