
the flow of forces out of the Gulf. During the realignrnent of 1 MEF, the first
priority was the reconstitution of operational  forces,   particularly strategic
contingency units, followed by rotation home of units and individuals on a "first
in, first out" basis. The first retrograde of 1 MEF units to Saudi Arabia began
on 4 March, when General Myatt shifted 1st Marine Division's command post
from Kuwait International Airport back to the old division support area at
Manifah Bay.   General Boomer reestablished his command post at the "Police
Station" back in the industrial city of Jubayl on 5 March.  Shortly afterwards,
engineers razed the berms of the I MEF compound near Al Khanjar.
   General Boomer declared 10 March 1990 to be R-Day, the date the first I
MEF units departed from Saudi Arabia.      The units "first out" were from I
MEF's spearhead formation, the 7th Marine Expeditionary Brigade.    Not since
1945 had such a large number of Marines been moved homewards in such a
short time.  The force's personnel strength went from about 84,498 on 28
February to 19,743 by 16 April.
   On  4   March,     units of the 5th  Marine Expeditionary   Brigade  began
reembarking onto its ships.  On 10 March it was relieved of its mission as force
reserve and returned to the operational control of Vice Admiral Arthur.  The
brigade again displayed its versatility during its passage home when it was
diverted to Bangladesh to provide humanitarian relief in the aftermath of a
disastrous typhoon.   The 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit conducted a separate
display of force and humanitarian relief effort in Dohuk Province in northern
Iraq under control of the Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Forces Europe.     The 4th
Marine Expeditionary Brigade departed the Gulf region on 13 March.
   In addition to defending Kuwait, the force was involved in the restoration of
civilian control and humanitarian relief through the activities of 3d Civil Affairs

Iraqi prison ers-of- war being transported to holding facilities in Saudi Arabia on returning logistical
vehicle systeins (LVSs) of the Direct Support Command's 8th Motor Transport Battalion. The
workhorseLVSs logged over one million miles and turned in a remarkable 93 percent servkeabllity

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