A-6's advanced age necessitates
both upgrades and eventual                 -  AIRBORNE TANKING. Geogra-
replacement. The performance of               phy dictated extensive land-based
the F-I 17 demonstrated the value             tanking support for both USAF
of stealth and validated the re-              and naval air strikes. Tanker
quirement for a follow-on, long               coordination went extremely well.
range, all weather, stealthy strike           But tankers were stretched thin,
aircraft (AX) as a replacement for            and their apportionment necessar-
the A-6. In addition, the excellent           ily limited the Navy's long-range
performance of the F/A-18 con-                strike contribution.
firmed the validity of the multi-
mission strike/fighter concept.            *  SURFACE WARFARE. DESERT
                                              STORM demonstrated the enduring
TOMAHAWK CRUISE MIS-                          value of long range naval gunfire
SILE. Tomahawk was a tremen-                  support. Unmanned aerial vehicles
dous success, and its first use in            (UAVs) were effective in target selec-
combat fully confirmed the results            tion, spotting naval gunfire and
of previous extensive operational             damage assessment. The firepower of
testing.                                      surface action groups was augmented
                                              with attack helicopters, effectively
DEFENS      SUPPRESSION. The                  enhancing offensive I reconnaissance
outstanding performance of the                capability. The offensive firepower of
EA-6B and other Navy defense                  strike aircraft (A-6s and F/A-18s) and
suppression aircraft and weapon               surface combatants destroyed the
systems placed these platforms in             Iraqi navy.
high demand.
                                              AMPHIBIOUS WARFARE. Am-
SMART WEAPONS. "Smart" or                     phibious operations focused enemy
precision weapons clearly demon-              attention on the threat from seaward
strated their capabilities against            and tied down at least seven Iraqi
point targets. The requirement                divisions, even. after the coalition
for highly accurate penetrating               ground campaign was well under-
weapons for use against heavily               way. The responsiveness and flexibil-
bunkered or hardened structures               ity of amphibious forces was high-
was reaffirmed.                               lighted by successful raids, rehearsals
                                              and feints.
SANCE. The importance of real-             *  MINE WARFARE. DESERT STORM
time and near-real-time tactical              again illustrated the challenge of mine
reconnaissance in support of                  countermeasures (MCM) and how
strike planning, naval gunfire                quickly mines can become a concern.
support (NGFS), and battle dam-               Because of the difficulty of locating
age assessment (BDA) was clearly              and neutralizing mines, we cannot
demonstrated.                                 always afford to give the minelayer

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