It was during these operations that USS          trol or to support a joint campaign ashore.
VINCENNES (CG 49) shot down an Iranian                Third, the Navy provides nuclear deterrence.
commercial airliner after mistaking it for an         Finally, the Navy and the Maritime Adminis-
Iranian F-14.  Within two months, Iran and            tration provide strategic sealift to supporLjoint
Iraq reached a fragile agreement to end hostili-      military operations.
                                                            The Navy applies the concept of corn-
     At the height of the Iran-Iraq war,              bined arms operations at several levels. The
MIDEASThOR was composed of 12 or more                 Navy-MarineCorps team synergistically corn-
ships. That force, along with mine counter-           bines land, sea, and air capabilities~and exem-
measures teams, special warfare units, and            plifies the combined arms concept. In recent
rotating carrier battle groups deployed to the        years, the Navy has also operated extensively
North Arabian Sea, made up America's largest          with the Army and Air Force, which proved to
deployed naval force since the Vietnam era.           be valuable preparation for DESERTSHIELD/
The Navy's Administrative Support Unit con-           STORM. The fundamental role of the Navy in
tingent in Bahrain grew to over 800 personnel.        joint power projection operations is to gain
By the end of 1989, however, U.S. Navy pres-          control of the sea. Sea control is an essential
ence in the Gulf had drawn down to the nor-           prerequisite for introduction of joint power
mal flagship and four or five other ships, morn-      projection forces.
toring the again-busy transit lanes. That force
was often augmented by a carrier battle group               As an integral part of the U.S. military
in the Indian Ocean.                                  strategy of forward defense, the Navy has
                                                      maintained a significant forward presence since
     The Navy benefited from years of expe            World War II. Forward deployments promote
rience in the harsh operating environment of          regi~onal stability and maintain readiness for
the Middle East, and the requirement to con-          crisis response.  President Bush reaffirmed
duct those operations independent of major            forward presence and crisis response as fun-
support bases. With no permanent U.S. bases           damental pillars of U.S. strategy in a speech at
in the area, forward~deployed ships became            Aspen, Colorado on 2 August, the day Iraq
increasingly important as the United States           invaded Kuwait.
worked to demonstrate the continuity of
American commitments and maintain stabil-                   Like forward~deployed Navy forces
ity in the regio~.                                    everywhere, the forces on station in the Per-
                                                      sian Gulf, Indian Ocean and Eastern Mediter-
THE ROLE OF THE NAVY IN JOINT OP-                     ranean on 2 August were self-sufficient and
ERATIONS. The United States Navy is struc-            combat ready, capable of remaining on station
tured to provide four fundamental military            for months independent of infrastructure
capabilities. First is control of the sea to assure   ashore. The unique character of naval forces
the U.S. can use the oceans for economic and          gave President Bush and his advisors a num-
military purposes while denying such access           ber of immediate options for responding to the
to opponents in time of crisis or war. Second,        crisis:
the Navy projects power ashore - with air
power, naval gunfire, cruise missiles, and               *  Ready forces to operate from over the
Marine forces - either in support of sea-con-               horizon, independent of politically


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