sensitive operating bases ashore.           unique missions and functional capabilities of
                                                  - each service.
      A mechanism for allied involvement
      by nations unable or unwilling to                 The Navy plays an essential role in the
      commit land-based forces.                   complex process of generating joint forces for
                                                  a major power projection operation. The illus-
  *   A ready capability to enforce U.N.          tration on the next page shows a greatly sim-
      economic sanctions.                         plified depiction of the process of sequencing
                                                  joint forces for power projection.    initially,
  *   And, as we saw in Operation DESERT          naval forces and regionally based Army and
      STO~, an effective force, ready to          Air Force elements are forward deployed. for
      fight and win.                              deterrence, stability, and readiness for crisis

     U.S. MARITIME SUPERIORITY                          Naval forces are invariably among the
                                                  first on scene in time of crisis or conflict. Often
          -~                                      the presence of naval forces alone is enough to
               SAFE SEAS FOR
          COMMERCE / ENERGY                       defuse a crisis. If the crisis erupts, naval forces
          SEA DENIAL TO ENEMIES                   can be rapidly augmented by airborne and
                                                  Marine contingency forces airlifted into the-
        � FORCE BRIDGE FOR                        ater. At this point, naval forces play an "en-
                 PROJECTION                       abling" role, helping cover the introduction of
                                                  follow-on ground and air forces.      The joint
                                                  force, once fully deployed, is capable of sus-
     PRi7RFOUISITE FOR NATIONAL SECURITY          tained heavy combat. At that point, the Navy
        --                                        complements and enhances the capabilities of
                                                  land-based forces.

      Each military service is structured to
perform sp~~ificmissions in implementing our                        _________________
overall national military strategy. That strat-
egy is based on four principal elements: stra-                       
tegic deterrence, forward presence, crisis re-                  
sponse and force reconstitution.  Maritime                     
superiority remains essential to successful                

implementation of each element of that strat-

      Bringing all services together for major        
fo;rce projection operations-generates the great-
est combat capability in the shortest period of       
time. Combining forces for joint operations                                         
represents the best, most economical use of                
our forces, and takes full advantage of the


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