units wereevacuating civilians from two other             Navy support for the operation, the
hotspots on opposite coasts of Mrica.               longest-running non-combatant evacuation
                                                    operation in recent naval history, ended 9 Janu-
       On 5 August, Marines from a U.S. Task        ary, when the amphibious transport dock USS
Force off the coast of Liberia began an evacua-     NASHVILLE (LPD 13), Helicopter Combat
tion operation which eventually rescued 2,690       Support Squadron FOUR (HCS 4) and ele-
people, including 330 U.S. citizens, from the       ments of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit
war-torn capital city of Monrovia. Operation        departed the Liberian coastal area known dur-
SHARP EDGE began with a pre-dawn meet-              ing the operation as "Mamba Station."
ing in the wardroom of USS SAIPAN (LHA 2)
to finalize a plan that had been in the works for         Just a few days before SHARP EDGE
nearly two months. During that time, SAIPAN         ended, another civil war threatened American
and her Amphibious Ready Group, consisting          lives. USS GUAM (LPH 9) and USS TREN-
of USS PONCE (LPD 15), USS SUMTER (LST              TON (LPD 14) with Marines from the 4th
1181), Fleet Surgical Team TWO and the de-          Marine Expeditionary Brigade embarked,
stroyer USS PETERSON (DD 969), waited off           raced from their DESERT SHIELD stations in
the coast for orders to begin evacuation.           the North Arabian Sea to rescue Americans
                                                    and foreign nationals threatened by war in
       Since December 1989, civil war had           Somalia.
raged between rival Liberian factions, and the
safety of American citizens could no longer be            The rescue, Operation EASTERN EXIT,
guaranteed.  Tension grew as rebel leader           was implemented within hours of an urgent
Prince Johnson said he would begin rounding         plea from the U.S. Embassy in Mogadishu, the
up foreign~.~s to force foreign intervention in     capital of Somalia. Indeed, from the time the
his fight against Liberian President Samuel         U.S. Ambassador in Somalia sent his first mes-
Doe. Johnson threatened to attack U.S. Ma-          sage, "I really view this with concern, we've
rines at the embassy if the United States did not   got to get out of here...," to the time the execute
intervene on the rebel side.                        order was given, less than 48 hours had elapsed.

       As dawn broke, more than 200 Marines               Marine Corps helicopters took off while
from HOTEL Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th              the ships were still 460 miles from the Somali
Marines climbed into CH-46 Sea Knight and           coast. Theytwice refueled in-flight courtesy of
CH-53 Sea ~3tallion helicopters for the 20-mile     Marine Corps KC-130 tankers which took off
ride to the U.S. embassy compound in                from Bahrain in the Persian Gulf. The helicop-
Monrovia and commenced the non-combat-              ters reached the Embassy, dropped off the
ant evacuation operation. They evacuated not        Marines and brought back 62 evacuees. The
only Americans, but also Liberian, Italian,         first wave of Marines ashore set up defensive
Canadian and French nationals during an op-         positions around the Embassy, while other
eration which lasted until 30November, when         waves conducted the evacuations. in all, 260
opposing k~rces agreed to a cease-fire. Sailors     citizens from 30 nations, including 51 Ameri-     L-
and Marines from the task force also provided       cans, and the diplomatic contingent from the
humanitarian assistance, airlifting food, wa-       Soviet Union, were shuttled aboard the two
ter, fuel and medical supplies to the ravaged       waiting ships. A group of U.S. officials and the
city.                                               Kenyan ambassador were trapped by gunfire


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