fashion. We observed in the
                                                         massive troop deployments
                                                         an outstanding example of
                                                         joint force sequencing in ac-
                                                         tion. Forward deployed na-
                                                         val forces were first on scene
                                                         - sustainable and combat
                                                          ready on arrival. Their im-
                                                          mediate combat capability
                                                          cover provided for the intro-
                                                          duction of ground
                                                          and air forces. Sea control was as-
                                                          sured from the outset, pro-
                                                          tecting the vital seaborne lo-
                                                          U.N. sanctions. The forward
                                                          gistics train and enforcing
                                                          presence of naval forces was
                                                          a critical element in the rapid
                                                          deployment of the joint force.
       As mentioned previously, gaining con-
 trol of the battle space m three dimensions -            FLEXIBLE RESPONSE: THE NAVY-MA-
 in the air, on the sea, and under the sea -- is a        RINE TEAM IN ACTION. The Navy-Marine
 prerequisite for joint power projection. The             Corps team lived up to its tradition of mobility
 Navy is responsible for achieving and main-              and flexibility while deploying forces for
 taining the sea control and air superiority re-          DESERT SHIELD/STORM. While attention
 quired for introduction of additional joint              focused on Kuwait, Navy and Marine Corps
 forces, and is structured
 Power projection cannot                  
 be sustained without
 control of the sea.
       While DESERT             
 SHIELD/STORM are                
 not models for all future       
 military operations, they      
 do provide a regional
 prototype for certain
 joint power projection         
 operations        might
 cade to come. DESERT                     
 SHIELD/STORM        un-                  
 folded in near textbook                  


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