*  cally to meet the DESERT SHIELD logistic                  Jeddah was also the site of the Combat
    challenge and relieve operational command-          Logistic Stores Facility (CLSF). CLSF Jeddah
    ers afloat and ashore from much of logistics        gave replenishment ships assigned to the Red
    management burden.                                  Sea the ability to re-stock, repair and re-arm
                                                        without depending on the Suez Canal as their
         Keeping up to 115 combatant ships              logistics link. The replenishment and mainte-
    battle ready was a full-time job. `Most resupply    nance effort both ashore and underway, kept
    operations were carried out at sea by combat        battle groups on-station and ready through-
    logistic force (CLF) `ships, who were in turn       out DESERT SHIELD/STORM, a key factor in
    supplied through expeditionary forward 10-          keeping Iraq locked in.
    gistics sites. The CLF ships deployed during
    DESERT SHIELD/STORM, along with vari-                     To support the logistics mission, air-
    ous Military Sealift Command and Ready Re-          fields in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain were used
    serve Force ships, had the monumental task of       as bases for a Navy "logistics air force" of 25
    supplying six carriers, two battleships, two        dedicated helos and fixed-wing aircraft. One
    command ships, two hospital ships, 31 am-           of those helos, an H-53 from HC-1, was among
    phibious ships and 40 other combatants in-          the first coalition force aircraft to land in Ku-
    duding cruisers, destroyers, frigates, subma-       wait City after the liberation. Within two days
    rines and minesweepers.                             regularly scheduled logistic flights into Al
                                                        Shuaiba, the main port for the country of Ku-
         Repair ships like the destroyer tenders        wait, had commenced in support of Navy ex-
    USS YELLOWSTONE (AD 41), USS ACADIA                 plosive ordnance demolition (EOD) mine-
    (AD 42) and USS CAPE COD (AD 43) were               dearing efforts.
    deployed to fulfill another logistic require-
    ment of sustained naval presence. Based in the            Physical se'curity against water-borne
    Red Sea port of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,               attack for three major ports in the Gulf region
    YELLOWSTONE provided critical repair and            was a significant concern. LOGSUPFOR was
    rearming capability to the fleet. During seven      responsible for. coordinating the Port Security
    months on station YELLOWSTONE alone com-            Harbor Defense (PSHD) force. Three PSHD
    pleted more than 10,000 repair jobs on 30 U.S.      groups - each consisting of a Mobile Inshore
    and allied ships. The Navy men and women            Undersea Warfare Unit that operates radar
    serving aboard tenders and other repair ships       and sonar from the pier, a Coast Guard small
    provided a wide variety of services simulta-        boat security team and a Navy EOD diver unit
    neously to as many as five ships moored along-      - operated 24-hours a day from the beginning
    side or nearby.                                     of the build-up. They protected the key ports
                                                        of Bahrain, along with Jubail and Dammam in
         The Navy women serving in non-tradi-           Saudi Arabia, as they received tanks, troops,
    tional roles aboard tenders joined nearly 2,500     ammunition and other supplies for U.S. and
    other women serving aboard CLF ships, Mili-         coalition forces.
    tary Sealift Command vessels, the two hospi-
    tal ships, and at fleet hospitals and aviation            Logistic support was also provided by
    and cargo handling detachments ashore to            sailors from Naval Mobile Construction Bat-
    play a crucial role in the Navy' S contribution to  talions, Cargo Handling Battalions, Navy Over-
    DESERT SHIELD/STORM.                                seas Air Cargo Terminal units and Forward

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