who loaded and offloaded the                             bility in a short period of time. That
              largest military sealift in history                      teamwork extended into fully inte-
              are reserve personnel.                                   grated combat operations of unprec-
                                                                       edented scope, complexity and speed.
      -       bitelligence: 400 Naval Reserve                          Clearly, joint operations require
              intelligence personnel were acti-                        continued emphasis.
              vated and stood watches, con-
              ducted analyses, and interrogated                     *  Years of dose cooperation and coordi-
              prisoners.                                               nation~with the navies of our NATO
                                                                       allies and other coalition partners, not
      -       F[arbor Defense: all of the Navy's                       only in regular multi- and bi-lateral
              Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare                          exercises but particularly as part of a
              personnel are part of the Naval                          multi-national cooperative naval
              Reserve.                                                 effort during the Iran-Iraq war, laid a
                                                                       strong foundation of interoperability
      -       Other reserve key personnel                              and common procedures. During
              provided vital medical, logistics,                       DESERT SHIELD/STORM, that prior
              public affairs, and religious sup-                       experience facilitated strong informal
              port.                                                    multi-national naval cooperation even
                                                                       before formal agreements/procedures
      "Reservists activated to support USNAVEURforces                  were developed and implemented.
during DESERT SHIELD/STORM validated the Total Force
Concept. Most reservists arrived well trninedfrom previous          *  Some problems were encountered,
annual training periods in theater and were fully and easily
in teg rated into day-today operations in minim urn time. This         particularly in command and control,
was particularly true of the USCOMEASTLANT reserves                    communications, interoperability, and
who were all well exercised under TF 137 and its concept of            matters of joint doctrine. For ex-
operations.   We are currently looking at the feasibility of           ample, regardless of who serves as
creating a new MED logistics task force augmented with                 the Joint Force Air Component Com-
reserves, patter~d after TF 137, for use in contingencies."            mander (JFACC), all services must

      -       Admiral J. T. Howe, USN, Commander-                      have significant representation on his
              in-Chief U.S. Naval Forces Europe, Quick                 staff to ensure strike planning is fully
              Look First Impressions Report, 20 March                  integrated. Although the nearly six
              19fl                                                     month build-up enabled us to over-
                                                                       come most obstacles and build the
      JOINT OPERATIONS.             DESERT                             teamwork required to resolve prob-
SHIELD/STORM illustrated the importance                                lems which arose during combat, the
and benefits of joint and combined operations.                         JFACC doctrine must be further
Th~~ significant progress made in the past sev-                        refined to ensure it is flexible and
eral years w~:ts reflected in success on the battle-                   enables us to optimize use of our
field. That `4;uccess firmly cemented the corn-                        resources.
mitment of the Navy to joint operations.
                                                                       FORWARD PRESENCE.         DESERT
      Working as a team with the other                           SHIELD reaffirmed the importance of forward
      services and our coalition partners                        presence as a pillar of our national military
      generated tremendous combat capa-                          strategy and underscored the role of the Navy


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