interoperability issues - comms, tactics, limitations.1,            from seven LHA/LPHs in a Very narrow sea echelon area.

      -  Vice Admiral S.R. Arthur, USN, Corn-                             -  Rear Admiral J. B. LaFlante, USN, CIF
         mander U.S. Naval Forces Central Corn-                              156, "Quick Look" Report, 11 March1991
         rnand, Quick Look - First Impressions
         Report, 22 March1991                                             TOTAL FORCE CONCEPT. Over 99%

      We must continue emphasis on                                  of the Naval Reservists called to duty in sup-
                                                                    port of DESERT SHIELD responded to that
      people programs which are the foun-                           call. They augmented the active force with the
      dation of the all-volunteer force.                            mix of skills required to get the job done.
      High retention and the experience                             Reserves had major roles in cargo handling,
      level of our forces contributed to                            medical support, combat construction and con-
      victory.                                                      trol of shipping. Uke their active duty coun-

      "The qualityofour personnel deployed in theater set           terparts, they proved~ to be well-trained and
new standards of excellence. I cannot say enough about the          highly professional. While some specific func-
peiformance of our people. The speed of their advance on the        tional areas and administrative matters re-
battl~eld, their expert employment of weapons systems,              quiring additional emphasis were noted,
exceptionally low UCMJ violation rate, and their strong             DESERT SHIELDiSTORM clearly validated
positive showing on media eVents all support the sennces            significant aspects of the Navy's total force
quality force pro grams... The credit for this goes to the troops   concept.
and their commanders. The all volunteer force is a winner."

      -  General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, USA,                           *  Over the past decade, the United
         Commander-in-Chief U.S. Central Corn-                            States has invested heavily in Naval
         mand, Preliminary Report on Lessons                              Reserve manpower, training, and
         Learned, 5 April 1991                                            equipment. This investment really

      High quality, realistic training is                                 paid off in DESERT SHIELD/
      difficult, time consuming and expen-
      sive, but it is fundamental to success                              -  Seabees: about 2/3 of all Seabees
      in combat. As our force gets smaller,                                  were reservists.
      we will focus continued attention and
      resources on training. Just one of                                  -  Mine countermeasures: the Naval
      many examples of the superb level of                                   Reserve provided more than half
      training readiness enjoyed by our                                      of the total dedicated MCM per-
      forces from the outset was provided                                    sonnel.
      by the amphibious force:
                                                                          -  Combat Search and Rescue: all of
      "There was no pre-deployment work-up, yet four of                      the Navy's dedicated Combat
the five largest amphibious operations since INCHON (num-
ber one was STEEL PIKE in 1964) were execu ted flawlessly                    Search and Rescue personnel are
and without injury or damage. The training was realistic -                   reservists.
and at times dangerous (but never unsafe): in jull EM CON,
darkened, at night the ATF executed simultaneous launch of                -  Cargo Handling Battalions: all of
50 AA Vs, simultaneous landing of 12 LCAC, and air assault                   the so-called "combat stevedores"

                                                                 - 55 -

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