1 Feb (conltinuing)        launch toward Israel was observed by 2 U.S. aircraft, and attacked
                           site, destroying launcher, 2 trailers and 7 support vehicles.
                     Naval air strike operations resumed at the Uum Qasr Naval Base. At the
                           Min al Bakir oil terminal, an A-6 attacked a patrol boat, leaving it
                           burning. Helos picked up an additional 15 enemy prisoners of war
                           from the Cor al Amiya oil terminal who were apparently survivors
                           from Iraqi naval vessels engaged over the past 48 hours. Navy helos
                           involved in EPW operation reported no oil coming from or in vicinity
                           of oil terminal or Min al Bakir platform. Oil slick appears to be
                           broken up, 4 miles long and 1 mile wide.
                     Iraqi troop and armor border movements are being observed, but not consid-
                           ered a "massive troop buildup" or major offensive.
                     Iraqi tanks have fired~on an observation post along the border. Five tanks
                           fled under fire from U.S. artillery.
                     DOD reports over 500 enemy prisoners of war have been captured after the
                           siege at Ras al Khafji.
                     SECNAV activates 504 additional Naval Reservists from 51 units.

2 Feb                DOD announces 37,000 sorties have been flown (2,600 today), focused on
                           targeting Republican Guard positions, strategic targets and targets of
                     A USN A-6 with two crewinembers, LCDR Ba~~ Cooke, LT Patrick Con-
                           nor, from the USS ThEODOR1~ ROOSEVELT's Attack Squadron
                           36 and a USAF A-1O with 1 crewman has been shot down by anti-
                           aircraft fire. The three crewmembers are listed as missing.
                     U.S. naval operations continue with an attack on the Al Kalia naval facility.
                           One Iraqi Exocet-capable patrol boat was directly hit with two laser-
                           guided bombs, while a second aircraft launched a string of 12500-
                           pound bombs across a second patrol boat which also went into a
                           building on the pier generating several secondary explosions. Helos
                           from the USS NICHOLAS engaged four Iraqi patrol boats near the
                           Myerdam Island, destroying one, damaging two. Also, A-6s scored a
                           direct hit with two laser-guided bombs on a patrol boat in the Kuwait
                           City harbor. 35 Iraqi naval craft have been sunk or damaged to-date.
                     Senior commanders now conclude that with the destruction of all Iraqi patrol
                           craft capable of delivering missiles. Iraqi naval forces are considered
                           to be combat ineffective.
                     USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS (FFG-5) diverts 2 freighters in North Red Sea,
                           USS HALYBURTON (FFG-40) assists with one diversion. USS
                           BIDDLE (CG-34) diverts one freighter in the North Red Sea.
                     2 SCUD missiles are fired at Tel Aviv, Israel. One landed in Jordan, the
                           other in the West Bank. No injuries, minimal damage. One SCUD
                           was intercepted over Riyadh, S.A. by a U.S. Patriot missile. Falling
                           debris injured 29 people.
                     DOD announces that one Marine has been killed and two wounded when
                           their convoy which was returning from an artillery operation was hit
                           by cluster bomb munitions apparently by "friendly fire."


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